You can yell at your Amazon Echo all you want, but if it isn’t connected to the internet, then it won’t be able to help you with much of anything.

To use the vast majority of an Amazon Echo’s features – including the virtual assistant Alexa – you’ll need to connect your Amazon Echo to a Wi-Fi network.

You’ll be able to tell if your Echo isn’t connected to the internet if its ring turns red when you talk to it. It may also tell you outright that it’s having trouble connecting.

Here’s how to do it using the Alexa app, which is available for both iPhone and Android devices.

How to connect an Amazon Echo to Wi-Fi

First of all, if you haven’t set up your Amazon Echo yet, it won’t be able to connect to any Wi-Fi network. If you still need to set up the device, follow our step-by-step guide to setting up your Echo

If you've already set up your Echo and simply need to change the Wi-Fi settings, here's what you'll need to do.

1. Sign into the Alexa app on your iPhone or Android device, then tap the "Devices" icon in the bottom-right.

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You'll need to have an active Amazon account to use the Alexa app.
William Antonelli/Business Insider

2. Tap "Echo & Alexa" on the next screen.

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This page will show you all your Echo devices.
William Antonelli/Business Insider

3. Select the specific Echo device you want to connect to Wi-Fi. It should be listed as "Offline." If it's instead listed as "Online," your Echo is already connected to a Wi-Fi network.

4. On the next page, next to "Wi-Fi Network," tap the word "Change."

5. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete your Wi-Fi connection, which may include holding down the Echo's "Action Button" (the button with the white dot) to force it into pairing mode.

If you've connected to your Wi-Fi network and are still having issues, it might mean that there's an issue with the Wi-Fi itself. In this case, try resetting your internet router, or calling in help from your ISP.

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