You probably have at least one credit card associated with your Google Play account, since that’s how you can easily purchase apps, music, games, and other content on your Android phone.

But if your credit card expired or you want to stop using it for some reason, you’ll need to remove it from the Google Play Store app.

Though this will only take a few taps, the removal button is tucked away somewhere you might not think to look for it.

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Google Pixel 4 (From $599.99 at Best Buy)

How to remove a credit card from Google Play

1. Start the Google Play Store app on your Android phone.

2. Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen (often referred to as the hamburger menu).

3. Tap "Payment methods."

How to remove credit card from Google Play

Foto: Open the "Payment methods" menu in the Google Play Store app to remove a credit card.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

4. Tap "More payment settings."

5. You should see a pop-up window asking which browser to use to open the page. Tap whichever browser you prefer, and then tap "Just once."

How to remove a credit card from Google Play

Foto: When you tap "More payment settings," the page opens in the browser of your choice.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

6. Log into your Google account if requested.

7. Scroll to the credit card you want to remove and then tap "Remove." Tap "Remove" a second time to confirm the choice.

How to remove credit card from Google Play

Foto: All the credit cards associated with your account can be edited or removed on the "More payment settings" page.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

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