• I found my grandparents' love letters when cleaning out their house.
  • Reading them gave me insight into what dating was like 100 years ago.
  • Some facets of life in the 1920s are still relatable today, like selfies and mail-order catalogs.

When my 89-year-old grandmother moved out of her home, I was tasked with going through her personal belongings. I didn't know where to start. Her house was small and tidy, but she had no use for minimalism like I did. She'd kept everything.

I began in her bedroom. The dresser was overflowing with scarves, jewelry, and empty perfume bottles. It took me all day to go through six drawers. But tucked away securely in a string-wrapped envelope was a stack of love letters my grandfather wrote to her when they were dating. These treasured notes from the 1920s were fragile and falling apart — and a time capsule of what dating was like 100 years ago.

I read all the letters with my grandmother's blessing

Watching my own two kids navigate dating in their 20s, my grandparents would be amazed at their constant access to one another and ability to track each other's location. But there's something to be said for opening a letter in the mail and seeing a loved one's handwriting. For perspective, my grown kids raised in the digital age don't know how to address an envelope.

Judging from the letters I read (with my grandmother's blessing), they wrote to each other daily, hustling to get to the Post office in time to make the next day's mail. My grandfather mentions a time he "made five trips to the Post office for that one letter," today's equivalent of picking up our phone every five minutes to check for a text.

FaceTime would've been inconceivable, and phone calls were expensive. Since they lived 30 miles apart — she in San Marcos, Texas, and he in Austin (which in one letter he predicted "will be a city someday"), seeing each other was a challenge. It involved long bus rides or, when he was employed as a steel worker in Fort Worth, transfers and a train ride on the Texas Special through Waco.

One Sunday night, my grandfather missed the bus back to Austin — Uber would have been a dream come true — and spent a restless night in a cold horse stall. He was late for work the next day, but his boss let it slide because he could tell "this man is in love."

I learned about history and what their lives were like

Postmarked 1923 and 1924, most began with an endearment like "My dearest little dear" or simply, "My dear Alice." This cache of letters not only allowed me a glimpse into their young lives but was a much more engrossing account of history than any book I'd ever read. He wrote of strikes, fear of unemployment, prohibition, and how much he missed her.

Some facets of life in the 1920s are relatable today. He always asked her for pictures ("in the black dress you showed me" or "in your new swimsuit") and finally bought her a Kodak camera so she could take photos of herself. He sent off for a Sears Roebuck catalog so he could mail-order medicine. And he eventually found a place for them to live once they were married near a Piggly Wiggly grocer "so we won't have to tote the groceries far."

The author got to see how her grandparents fell in love through their letters Foto: Courtesy of the author

As an only child, I'm struck by the privilege of seeing this intimate side of my heritage. I know how it ended — my grandparents sitting at their Formica kitchen table, watching the hummingbirds and sharing the daily newspaper — but what a gift to see how it began.

Life may be easier now, but it was simpler then. I saved notes my husband wrote me when we were dating, but my kids and their friends don't communicate this way anymore. Love letters, written in cursive and sealed with a kiss, may truly be a relic of the past.

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