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  • Apple’s first-quarter earnings report showed the wearables segment grew 30% and generated $13 billion.
  • 75% of Apple Watch buyers were also first-time customers.
  • Tech columnist Jason Aten outlines why this is a crucial feat and how the company pulled it off.

When Apple announced its first-quarter earnings last week, it was easy to get distracted by all of the big numbers. The company had record top- and bottom-line numbers, reporting $111.4 billion in revenue and $28.76 billion in profit. It certainly appears it’s managed to thrive during the pandemic.

That’s partially due to the surge in sales of the iPhone 12, which brought an updated design and added 5G wireless, something Apple had been later to adopt than most of its competitors. The Mac also did well alongside the overall resurgence of the laptop computer market, which this year saw its first increase in sales in a decade

The most interesting number, however, and the one that I think says the most about the company’s future has little to do with the iPhone or the Mac. It’s about the Apple Watch. 

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