cop police office policeman
The police officer has been put on administrative leave pending an internal investigation.
J. Castro/Getty Images

  • A Black teenager in Texas was pinned down by a police officer while she shouted "I can't breathe."
  • Police had responded to calls that the girl was trying to jump into oncoming traffic.
  • The police officer has been put on administrative leave pending an internal investigation.
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A viral video shows an 18-year-old in Texas being pinned down by a police officer while she shouts "I can't breathe."

Bodycam footage shows Deputy Connor Martin, approaching a crying Nekia Trigg, who is Black, and telling her that they had received a call that she was jumping in front of cars.

When Trigg tries to walk away, Deputy Martin holds her by the arm and asks her to stay and talk to him.

Trigg becomes hysterical, repeatedly telling the officer "I don't want you to hurt me." When she tries to break free the officer pins her down on the grass.

The bodycam dislodges from Deputy Martin's body and falls to the ground, and for several minutes Trigg can be heard shouting "you're hurting me" and "I can't breathe."

Trigg's family soon arrives at the scene and her mother can be heard arguing with police to release her daughter. At one point Deputy Martin can be heard shouting "do not touch me, back off."

Deputy Martin eventually picks up his bodycam and Trigg's mother Antanique Ray can be heard saying, "Why was your camera not on you while you were on top of my daughter?".

After backup arrives, Deputy Martin and another officer get the hysterical Trigg to her feet and lead her away in handcuffs. She appears to have either vomit or saliva around her mouth.

Ray can be heard telling the officers to loosen her daughter's handcuffs and then attempts to grab Trigg by the arm, while Deputy Martin shouts "let go of her."

The bodycam once again falls to the ground and Trigg can be seen attempting to break free while her relatives shout at the police officers.

A fight ensues, and an officer can be heard telling Ray that she is under arrest for assaulting a police officer.

When Deputy Martin restores his bodycam he can be seen holding Ray down and they continue to argue.

Kaufman County Sheriff's Office said in a statement that they had received multiple calls about a female attempting suicide by jumping into oncoming traffic.

They said that in order to prevent Trigg from hurting herself Deputy Martin pinned her down using a Jiu-Jitsu control technique.

Trigg was taken to a mental health facility while her mother was taken to jail and charged with assault on a public servant and interference with public duties.

The Sheriff's office said that Deputy Martin had been placed on administrative leave pending an internal affairs investigation.

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