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  • Nicholas “NicoThePico” Korsgård, 28, works full time as a video game tutor for “League of Legends.”
  • He’s the highest-earning and top-rated player on Gamer Sensei, the website he uses to find clients.
  • This is what his day working at home in Norway is like, as told to freelance writer Max Jungreis.

The idea of getting paid to teach someone how to play video games may seem odd to you, but to me, it’s everyday life.

I teach people around the world how to play “League of Legends,” the online, team-based game, from the comfort of my home in Bodø, Norway.

People enlist my services for different reasons.

Some want to become professional players, like I used to be. Others are young entertainers who aspire to become famous by streaming games. Some are actors, whom I won’t name here. And a smaller group are casual players who just want to have fun with their friends.

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