How to tag someone on Snapchat using the @mention feature, and link them to your photos

Snapchat tagging friends list mention feature
When you tag a Snapchat mutual, they'll be notified once your Snap posts.
Logan Swenson/Shutterstock
  • You can tag someone on Snapchat through the platform’s @mention feature. 
  • To tag someone in your Snapchat story, you must first create your Snap and then select the Text menu to access the tagging option. 
  • You can manually enter a Snapchat username to tag someone, or scroll through and select a friend from a list of recent Snap contacts.
  • When you tag someone on Snapchat, you can customize it as you would standard text, but it will appear underlined to denote how it’s different. 
  • Visit Business Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

When you post a photo or video to your Snapchat story, tagging your friends or followed accounts is a great way to connect stories, share memories, spotlight interests or brands, and even spark conversation among multiple users. 

If you want to tag someone in your Snapchat story, you’ll have to use the social platform’s @mention feature. Like the Instagram Story tagging feature, Snapchat lets you manually or automatically add a user’s name from a list generated after you begin typing. 

Once you’ve tagged someone, that user will be notified that you’ve mentioned them in your snap story. If you aren’t already friends, they’ll also have the ability to swipe up and add you or view any public stories you’ve posted. 

Here’s how to tag someone on Snapchat. 

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple)

Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart)

How to tag someone on Snapchat using the “@” button 

1. Open the Snapchat app.

2. Take or record your Snap. 

3. In the vertical menu that appears in the upper right of the screen, select the "T" symbol. 

4. Right above your keyboard in the very left, you'll see an "@" symbol. Tap it. 

How to tag someone on Snapchat 1
When it's selected, the icon's background will go white. When it's deselected, it will be gray.
Marissa Perino/Business Insider

5. Next to the @ symbol, swipe to the left to scroll through the list of contacts automatically generated. 

How to tag on Snapchat 2
This list of contacts will appear in the order of the Snapchat friends you most recently messaged.
Marissa Perino/Business Insider


6. Tap on any name you wish to add.

How to tag someone on Snapchat 3
You can manually enter the name of a friend or an account you follow that you have in mind.
Marissa Perino/Business Insider

7. Personalize the tag as you see fit. You can change the font, size, or color before positioning it on your Snap screen. 

8. Tap Done when you're finished and ready to post or send your Snap.

How to tag someone on Snapchat 4
Tags will always be underlined to differentiate from standard text.
Marissa Perino/Business Insider


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