Your Galaxy S10 has a Contacts app which can help you manage all the names, numbers, and email addresses in your life.

If you no longer need a contact, it’s easy to remove. We’ll take a look at how to delete a single contact and how to delete a batch of contacts (or even all of them at once).

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Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $749.99 at Best Buy)

How to delete contacts on a Samsung Galaxy S10

1. Start the Contacts app.

2. Find the contact that you want to delete and tap it.

3. Tap the three dots at the top right of the screen.

4. In the pop-up menu, tap "Delete."

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Foto: After you open a contact, you can choose Delete from the menu.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

5. Confirm you want to permanently remove this contact by tapping "Delete" in the pop-up window.

How to delete multiple contacts (or all contacts) on a Galaxy S10

1. Start the Contacts app.

2. Tap the three dots at the top right of the screen.

3. In the pop-up menu, tap "Delete."

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Foto: To delete a batch of contacts, start by choosing Delete from the app menu.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

4. Tap each contact that you want to delete. You should see a checkmark appear to the left of each selected contact, over the contact's avatar. If you want to delete all your contacts at once, tap "All" at the top of the screen and you should see every contact receive a checkmark.

5. When you're done, tap "Delete" at the bottom of the screen.

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Foto: Select all the contacts you want to delete then tap the trash icon at the bottom of the screen.sourceDave Johnson/Business Insider

6. In the pop-up window, confirm your choice by tapping "Delete."

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