Bobby Neel Adams was 36 when he noticed how much he resembled a picture of himself at age 6. He was inspired to create a composite image, splicing a new photo of himself with the image of him as a kid.

This was back in 1989, so he couldn’t use modern techniques.

“In the darkroom I sized up both images to the same proportions and made prints,” Adams wrote in an email. “Once these photographs were dry I tore the most recent portrait and laid it on top of the school photo, gluing it down the rubber cement.”

Adams continued using the same method for dozens of works in his “Age Map” series. Since then, he has explored other strange techniques, including splicing photos of couples and family members and, most recently, posing dead creatures in beautifully haunting scenes (currently showing in Brooklyn).

Adams shared a set from “Age Maps” below.

Lorna at 7 and 25

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Sally at 14 and 62

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Chris at 12 and 45

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Christene at 7 and 41

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Silvano at 12 and 51

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Izzie at 4 and 36

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Nick at 9 and 33

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Kelly at 1 and 28

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Christian at 6 and 41

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Simone at 8 and 32

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Tornado at 2 and 37

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Dan at 7 and 35

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Kevin at 3 and 33

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Jonathan at 8 and 33

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Werner at 6 and 33

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Silvano at 8 and 51

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Ray at 5 and 50

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"

Kathy at 6 and 36

Foto: source Bobby Neel Adams, "AgeMaps"