Today we’re excited to launch Markets Insider, a real-time global markets data extension of Business Insider.

Launching in beta, Markets Insider features constantly updated market quotes for individual stocks, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, indices, commodities, bonds, and currencies traded worldwide.

Visitors can create personalized portfolios, watch lists, and customizable charts on the site, which is designed to be mobile-friendly. Markets Insider is your source for everything you need to know about the markets.

We will continually update the site using data and user feedback, and we will release app versions within the next couple of months. Please visit the site and let us know what you think.

Join us for a guided tour.

The Markets Insider homepage features an overview of major American, European, and Asian indices. You'll also find real-time feeds of global exchanges, commodities, and currencies along with the top stories of the day.

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In addition to stocks, the homepage features real-time prices of commodities and currencies, as well as the top stories you need to know in each category.

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Scroll down the homepage for bond yields and ETF top performers.

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Markets Insider's stocks page shows top news about major publicly traded companies as well as market movers — the biggest in the Dow, the S&P, and the Nasdaq.

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Search any index for a snapshot and get customizable charts and graphs as well as real-time prices for index components.

Foto: source Markets Insider

Search any publicly traded company for a snapshot with stock prices, percentage changes, information, customizable charts, and latest news.

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Create a watch list of stocks you want to monitor. Your Market View shows the most recent companies you searched for.

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You can enter the details of your personal portfolio and track its performance over time.

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Markets Insider is mobile-friendly and streamlined, so you can get the information you need to know quickly and easily on your phone.

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The site was built by, our partner in Germany that publishes Business Insider Germany as well as market-data sites in six countries. Here they are in their office in Karlsruhe, Germany.

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Visit Markets Insider and see for yourself. <a href="">Go now!</a>

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