• Business Insider is seeking nominations for a list of rising stars of brand marketing.
  • We’re looking for brand marketers age 40 or under who are pushing the envelope at their companies and have the potential to be industry leaders.
  • Please submit your ideas via this form.

Business Insider is seeking nominations for its inaugural list of the rising stars of brand marketing. Please submit your ideas via this form.

Like our annual list of the rising stars of Madison Avenue, this list will feature up-and-coming talent, but at brands rather than agencies.

These aren’t the CMOs, but the people working behind the scenes to create the future of marketing. They are tackling modern-day marketing challenges, whether that’s in-housing or privacy; developing innovative campaigns, using data in new ways, and helping hold their agencies and other partners accountable. They are demonstrating the potential to be industry leaders.

Criteria and methodology

The list will comprise in-house marketers age 40 and below.

It will be determined by factors including the nominee's role and responsibilities and impact on his/her company and the industry. Some emphasis will be placed on how this person has demonstrated leadership amid the pandemic.

Submit your nominations here and include as much detail as to why your nominee deserves to be recognized.

The deadline for submissions is 9 a.m ET on September 11.

Note: If you already submitted your nomination earlier this year, please resubmit the form as some new criteria has been added.